September 2015: Broadwing or Better "Wait" Begins

September 18, 2015

Well, I've spent a few days over at 1064 trying to get everything organized so that the Telemetry Team can follow another Broad-winged Hawk to the Mexican Border.  Thanks to Maxine, Ron, Brian and Linda who helped sort through all of the equipment. So far, only a few Broadwings have been seen by Hawkwatch, but we know they will be coming in larger numbers very soon.  We had some unexpected wet weather on Wednesday, but California needs every drop it can get, and it certainly should help the large fires to our North and East.  (As a side subject, David was banding on Wednesday and picked up a female, Sharp-shinned Hawk which "smelled" smoky.  He had everyone in the blind "smell" the bird..... that was a first!)

When we begin to actually track a bird, I will update the posts daily, so that you can keep up with the progress of our subject.  Hopefully, we get a picture to post to this blog, too.

So, until I have more to post, so long.  Oh, this will be the "J" bird, and I'm favoring "Journey" unless someone else can tempt me with an even better name. 

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